Episode 66: Toxic News Media – Reflections on the press handling on Nathan Phillips and the Covington Catholic High Schoolers


Episode 66: Toxic News Media – Reflections on the press handling on Nathan Phillips and the Covington Catholic High Schoolers

In this episode, Scott looks at the News Media’s handling on the Nathan Phillips & Covington Catholic High Schoolers story

Below is the article from the New York Times

New Year, New Podcasts


Happy New Year! I was asked by a listener to address a topic on the intersection between pop culture and one’s faith. So this year I will be working on a series that will cover those issues such as, can Christians enjoy shows like Game of Thrones, is there a line between engaging culture too much, and continue to have more film for thought and look at spiritual themes in other mediums such as television and video games. So hopefully you will stay tuned and listen to the Scott Stedman Podcast.

I will be making most of my podcast over to FB Live so there can be more interactions with my audience.  Feel free to like Scott Stedman Podcast over on Facebook.